Random Screen Saver - 32 ------------------------ AKA: RSS version 2.2 written by Bob Dolan 2-22-99 Legal ----- RSS is a freeware product. You may use it for free, but I own it, although I am not liable for any unlikely damage that RSS may cause and that you might consider sueing me for. What it comes down to is this: if RSS causes problems, its the fault of RSS and not me, so don't blame me. If you don't agree with this, then don't use the program, nobody is twisting your arm (at least I'm not!). RSS cannot be distributed without my permission. Email me (press the button in the About window) and we can discuss. However, please feel free to give copies to friends and enemies. Just don't make a business out of it. Using ----- Couldn't be much simpler. Copy the file RSS.SCR into your WINDOWS directory and select it as the current screen saver. If you don't know how to do this, then read the section at the end of this document and come back. In the Saver's Settings dialog, you can specify where the directory is that contains your screen saver collection. This is the only setting. If one of the savers burps, you can find out which one it is by looking at the CONTROL.INI file in the WINDOWS directory. There will be a section that looks like this: [RSS] SaverPath=D:\WINDOWS\savers LastSaver=D:\WINDOWS\savers\Galaxies 20.scr /s Should be obvious, but the name of the bad saver can be determined by looking at the LastSaver line. Delete the offending saver and move on. Notes ----- This is a 32 bit program. If you want to do this in non 32 bit Windows, use the 16 bit version which has been around for years and is still on my web site. The older one was written in Visual Basic 3 and the newer 32 bit one was written in Visual C++ 6. Thanks for trying out this program, I hope it serves you well. If it doesn't, please email me and tell me about it. Also, visit our web page to see what other products we have developed. History ------- 2.0 - Initial release of the rewritten 32 bit version. 2.1 - Added code to change to the saver directory to help some savers load any external files. (thanks Trevor A) 2.2 - Fixed a bug that allowed a saver named *.SCR to (try to) run. This also prevented the last saver in the directory to run. (thanks Tim, the Happy Hacker) How to Setup Screen Savers in Windows 95? ----------------------------------------- Right click the Desktop and choose Properties from the menu (content box) that appears or click on the Start button , then choose Settings and then Control Panel. From the Control Panel box double-click on Display. Click on the Screen Saver tab to display the settings for the screen savers. The picture of the monitor on the Properties box displays the current screen saver running. None is displayed if there is no screen saver active. Click the left mouse button on the little arrowhead pointing down to get the list of the available screen savers currently installed on your system. Choose one of the Screen Savers and it should display on the monitor in the Properties box or click on the preview box to view the screen saver full screen. (To deactivate the Screen Saver move the mouse). To set the screen saver permanently, simply click on the Apply button. Click on Cancel to exit. Click on settings to set the screen saver parameters. These are unique to each screen saver and its functions. To set the time delay until the screen saver becomes active, increase or decrease the Wait minutes by clicking on the arrowheads. There is also a button to set a password. Simply click on the box to the left of the password and enter a password (Letters and/or numbers). When finished, click OK to have your settings take effect.